Wednesday, July 4, 2007

How to remove cat urine


How do we remove cat urine? Well like anything you need the right products and use them in the right steps to be successful. It is also important to get to the root of the cause for your cat not using the litter box.

Removing cat urine is very difficult and not a very pleasant task. Before we talk about how to remove cat urine, let’s talk about some possible reasons why you have to clean it up in the first place.

{Learn more about cat behavior here}

Cats can stop using the litter box for any number of reasons. Some of these are behavioral, and some are medical. Some medical reasons for a cat not using the litter box could be the two main diseases seen in cats; feline lower urinary tract infection, and feline urologic syndrome. Signs of these would be frequent urination, and even painful urinations.

If you suspect any of these, you should seek veterinary help. They are best dealt with medically. Now, there can be many behavioral causes of cats not using the litter box, and most of these are related to stress. This stress could be from a new baby, a new house guest, or a change in the household routine. You should try and resolve this cause of stress for your cat.

Now for removing cat urine, the most important step is the odor neutralizing. There are lots of ways to remove cat urine, but remember to try and soak it out of the carpet padding, where most of the urine is absorbed, and to use an odor neutralizer.

If you get stuck trying to remove cat urine be sure to find out why your cat failed to use the litter box, and then get a bottle of feline odor neutralizer and clean it up.

Luke Blaise

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